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UC Premier December 2020 U9-U19 training program

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Click below for videos demonstrating each of the activities. A sample running program is included at the end.


The challenges involve "circuits" - going through a sequence of activities multiple times:

  • "3x circuit" - go through each activity in the list once, go back through a second time, and a third time
  • "5x circuit" - same as above except 5 times instead of 3
  • "8x 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest" - do the first activity - work for 20 seconds then rest for 10, repeat 8 times - then go to the following activity and repeat 8x 20 seconds work + 10 seconds rest. Complete all activities using this pattern.

Start each session the following running warmup (total of 6 mins):

  • 120 secs at "65%" (easy jog)
  • 120 secs at "90%" (jog/run)

Perform a dynamic warmup with the following elements over 20 yards – go back and forth over your space to cover the distance. Click links for videos:

Jump rope
Core work / lower body

4x circuit:

Ball activities

Go through this circuit 3 times. Focus on the upper body, change of direction, explosiveness, and "selling" the move. Avoid just going through the motions. Imagine a defender and try to beat them.

Wall activities

Running program

The running program should be divided into 3 blocks - sprints, medium distances, and longer distances. Here is a possible schedule:

  • Day 1: Medium distance
  • Day 2: Long distance
  • Day 3: Sprint
  • Day 4: Long distance
  • Day 5: Sprint

Here are examples of each.


Sprinting should be done with proper form, over short distances, with rest and repetitions. Every effort is "100%". Make sure that you are properly warmed up and stretched first.

  1. 8x30 yards, 90 secs of rest
  2. 10x25 yards, 90 secs of rest
  3. 16x15 yards, 45 secs of rest
Medium distance

These runs should be done at about "80%" - not top speed but these should be at a pretty good pace. You will do repetitions with rest in between. You can run for either distance or time.

These examples are just repetitions:

  1. 8x400 yards (90 secs), 90 secs of rest
  2. 4x800 yards (3.5 mins), 2 mins of rest
  3. 2x1 mile (8 mins), 3 mins of rest

These examples involve varying the distances and rest times - follow the sequence in order:

  1. 400 yards (90 secs), 90 secs of rest; 800 yards (3.5 mins), 2 mins of rest; 1 mile (8 mins), 3 mins of rest; 800 yards (3.5 mins), 2 mins of rest, 400 yards (90 secs) - you should be going faster in the short distances
  2. Total of 2 miles - every minute sprint 100% for 10 secs
  3. 6x300 yard shuttle run, 2 mins rest

A shuttle run is 10 yards down and back, 20 yards down and back, 30 then 40 then 50 yards down and back - the total is 300 yards.

Long distance
  1. Continuous run for 3 miles (24 mins) - 65-75%
  2. 2x2 miles (12 mins), 3 mins of rest
