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2020-06-04 09:04
The June 2020 training plan is broken into Mon/Wed/Fri and Tue/Thu/Sat activities.
Click below for videos demonstrating each of the activities.
The challenges involve "circuits" - going through a sequence of activities multiple times:
- "3x circuit" - go through each activity in the list once, go back through a second time, and a third time
- "5x circuit" - same as above except 5 times instead of 3
- "8x 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest" - do the first activity - work for 20 seconds then rest for 10, repeat 8 times - then go to the following activity and repeat 8x 20 seconds work + 10 seconds rest. Complete all activities using this pattern.
Start each session the following running warmup (total of 6 mins):
- 2 mins at "65%" (easy jog)
- rest 1 min
- 2 mins at "65%" (easy jog)
Perform a dynamic warmup with the following elements over 20 yards – go back and forth over your space to cover the distance. Click links for videos:
- Hip out
- Hip in
- Frankensteins
- Knee pulls
- Butt kickers
- Walking lunge
- Running quick forwards, backwards
- 25 Toe touches
- 25 Bells
- 25 Sole rolls - side-to-side, bouncing
- 25 Sole rolls - forward/backward bouncing
- 25 Sole rolls switch feet
- 25 Drag roll with stop
- 11 min wall workout
Core work / lower body 3x circuit:
- 10 reverse inchworms
- 10 jumping jacks
- 10 donkey kick, each leg
- 10 air squats
- 10 bird dog
- 10 frog hop
- 10 fire hydrant
- 10 hamstring bridge
Core work / upper body 3x circuit:
- 10 pushups (knee)
- 10 dead bugs, each leg
- 30 secs hollow rock
- 10 step alligator crawl
- 30 sec mountain climber
Wall workouts
For additional workouts with a ball and a wall, click below