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3v2,2v3 2 halves w GK

3v2,2v3 2 halves w GK

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Field divided into 2 halves – one half with GK, other with counter mini goals – to start, each half has 3 defenders, 2 attackers – score points for scoring on either goal


#1 – 1 defender can push forward but 1 attacker must rotate back to keep 3v2

#2 – must have 2 defenders in back (can be 3v3, 3v2, 2v3, or 2v2 in any zone)


Defender w GK – look to get wide in possession, open body shapes, attempt to go forward

Attackers w GK – try to find spaces, check to receive from backs

Progressions – find overlaps, look for quick combos to score goals