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Week of Dec 11 2023
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Week of Dec 11 2023

Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
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Session plan


The session consists of a 1v1, rondo, small-sided game, pattern, and larger-sided game. The games and rondo are designed to create situations to train finishing. In the 1v1, the objective is to feint the defender and play around to a target player. The flying change element puts time pressure on the player receiving the ball to immediately act. The 2v2+2 is intended to train either 2 strikers (4-4-2 or 3-5-2) or a striker working with an attacking midfielder. The 5v5+2+2 should create some open field opportunities for counterattacking goals. The final conditioned game is designed to train specific patterns of movement and technique in finishing from wide positions.

1v1 flying changes, cones


5v5+2+2 end bumpers

Finishing 11-9-8-7-9


Crossing 4-2-3-1 SSG 1
