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Passing patterns
Phase of play
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
Positional play
- 10v4 central wide grid
- 2v2v2+1
- 4v3+1
- 4v3+2 - 6v3 - SD
- 4v4+1+2 - 5v6 - SD
- 4v4+2 double grid
- 4v4+3 - 7v4 - SD
- 4v4+3+4 - 7v8 concentric
- 4v4+3+4 - 7v8 T
- 4v4+5 - 9v4 switch on change
- 4v4v4 3 zone
- 4v5+2 - 6v5
- 4v5+3 zone-14
- 4v5+3 zone-14
- 5v2 back to 6v4 middle
- 5v2 side-by-side, the river game
- 5v2 side-by-side, the river game - SD
- 5v3+1 central triangle
- 6v3 back to 7v5 middle
- 6v3+1 adjacent grids
- 6v3+2 - 8v3
- 6v4+1 hex 3 zone
- 6v5 triangles - SD
- 7v4+3 - 10v4 central grid
- 8v5 - 3v1 positional play - SD
- 8v6 - 6v3 - SD
- 2+6v3+3 zone-14
- 2v2+1 - 3v2 - SD
- 2v2+1 3v2
- 2v2+2
- 2v2+2+2 concentric
- 2v2+2+2 grid
- 2v2+2+2 grid - SD
- 3v1 diamond and triangles - SD
- 3v1 double grid, switch on change of possession
- 3v1 double grid, switch on change of possession - 2
- 3v1 off-ball support - SD
- 3v1 off-ball support large zone - SD
- 3v2+2 - SD
- 3v3+1 3 grids
- 3v3+2+2
- 3v3v3 keep-away
- 4v1 double grid with migration
- 4v1 expand and contract - SD
- 4v1 side-by-side switch grids
- 4v1+1d 4 square grid
- 4v1+1d 4 square grid - 2
- 4v1+1d 4 square grid - SD
- 4v1+2 - 5v2 2 adjacent grids - 2
- 4v2 center box
- 4v2 double grid transition
- 4v2 narrow
- 4v2+1 - 5v2 2 adjacent grids
- 4v2+1 - 5v2 2 adjacent grids - SD
- 4v3+2 - 6v3 3 teams
- 4v3+2 - 6v3 3 teams - SD
- 4v4+1 center box - SD
- 5v1 2 adjacent grids
- 5v1 2 adjacent grids - 2
- 5v2 - SD
- 5v2 2 adjacent grids - SD
- 5v2 back to 6v4 middle - SD
- 5v2 diagonal - SD
- 5v3 diamond - SD
- 5v5 4 zones 2 balls
- 5v5+5 switch on change of possession
- 5v5+5 switch on change of possession - 2
- 6v2 hex - SD
Shaping the game
- Back 4 attacking - option 1
- Back 4 attacking - option 1 bridged
- Back 4 attacking - option 2
- Back 4 attacking - option 2 bridged
- Back 4 defending - option 1
- Back 4 defending option 1 - bridged
- Back 4 defending option 2
- Back 4 defending option 2 - bridged
- Forward 3 attacking option 1
- Forward 3 attacking option 1 - bridged
- Forward 3 attacking option 2
- Forward 3 attacking option 2 - bridged
- Forward 3 defending option 1
- Forward 3 defending option 1 - bridged
- Forward 3 defending option 2
- Forward 3 defending option 2 - bridged
- Midfield 3 attacking option 1
- Midfield 3 attacking option 1 - bridged
- Midfield 3 attacking option 2
- Midfield 3 attacking option 2 - bridged
- Midfield 3 defending option 1
- Midfield 3 defending option 1 - bridged
- Midfield 3 defending option 2
- Midfield 3 defending option 2 - bridged
- 1v1 4 goals 2-pass start
- 1v1 7 gates
- 1v1 back to goal
- 1v1 circle and go
- 1v1 diagonal face-on 4 goals
- 1v1 diagonal goals
- 1v1 diagonal goals, recovery
- 1v1 diagonal serve
- 1v1 double game central gates
- 1v1 face-on 4 goals
- 1v1 flying changes, cones
- 1v1 reactive agility box-5
- 1v1 receive and attack
- 1v1 simultaneous T-shape
- 1v1 start on end line
- 1v1 T-shape, rotate teams
- 1v1 to hex cones - SD
- 1v1 to side cones - 2
- 1v1 to side goals offset
- 1v1 turn face 4 goals
- 1v1+2 corner goals - 2
- 1v1+2 corner goals, add teammates
- 1v1+2 rectangular grid
- 2v1 flying changes
- 2v2 4 cone goals
- 2v2 corner quadrants - SD
- 2v2 flying change to goal
- 2v2 side entry mini goals
- 2v2 to line
- 2v2+2 switch on goal
- 2v2+2 switch teams on goal, diagonal ends
- 2v2+2 switch teams, 4 cone goals
- 2v2+2+2 channels with end goals - SD
- 2v2+2+2 corner quadrants - SD
- 2v2+2+2 switch direction on goal - SD
- 2v2v2 triangle field, 3 goals
- 3 teams 3v2, 3 zones
- 3v1,3v2 numerical superiority
- 3v2 adjust numbers on goal
- 3v2,2v3 2 halves w GK
- 3v3 4 gates 2 goals
- 3v3 diagonal to cones - SD
- 3v3 flying changes cone goals
- 3v3 man-mark mini goals
- 3v3+2 flying changes cone goals
- 3v3+3 round grid, 4 goals
- 3v3+3+3 4 mini-goals GKs
- 3v3+3+3 exterior goals
- 3v3+3+3+GKs wide area
- 3v3+4+4 mini-goals dribbling
- 4+2v3+4 - 7v6 4 T-goals
- 4v2+2 rondo 4 goals
- 4v4 - 3v1 defending
- 4v4 2 sided goals
- 4v4 4 goals T shape box
- 4v4 4 goals T shape switch
- 4v4 4 zones 3rd player
- 4v4 6 goals, GK behind goal
- 4v4 6 triangles
- 4v4 back to back goals
- 4v4 narrow mini-goals
- 4v4 over the half line
- 4v4 quarter-half w floater
- 4v4 side-by-side, switch on cue
- 4v4 triangle goals
- 4v4+2 diamonds - SD
- 4v4+2 half spaces - SD
- 4v4+2 mini-goals
- 4v4+4 end line, rotate on scoring
- 4v4+4 wide flying changes w GKs
- 4v4+4 wide, rotate on scoring
- 4v4+4+4 penalty area
- 5v1,1v5 half line shooting
- 5v1,1v5 half line shooting - SD
- 5v2+1 wide grid
- 5v5 2 halves 6 cone goals
- 5v5 3 zone hold
- 5v5 coconuts - SD
- 5v5 corner game
- 5v5 half-field build-out
- 5v5 with 5 corridors
- 5v5+2 end line
- 5v5+2 neutrals in center zone
- 5v5+2+1 neutrals in center zone
- 5v5+2+2 end bumpers
- 5v5+5 switch on change of possession - 2
- 5v5+GK build out
- 6v2 2 goals - SD
- 6v6 3 channels
- 6v6 3 channels - SD
- 6v6 3 channels, 4 wide players
- 6v6 3-zone overlap
- 6v6 4 color 2 goals
- 6v6 5 gates
- 6v6 diamond grid
- 6v6 thirds with offside
- 6v6 wide channel aux goals
- 6v6 wide channel aux goals - 2
- 6v6+2 9 zones 6 goals
- 6v6+2 forward dribble only
- 6v6+2+2 3 zones, 4 goals, no-fly
- 6v6+6 teams switch on goal, 4 goals
- 7v7 new ball
- 7v7+2 3 zones, carry
- 8v5 positional, thirds, wide channels
- 8v8 2 zone game
- 8v8 line game man mark
- 8v8+GKs 3 zones, 4 goals
- 9v9 4 zones
- 9v9 half space build out
TOVO positional play
TOVO rondos
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